
Facilities: Helpline classes and mentor’s guidance are provided to assist students in every possible manner.

Students have access to the various laboratories and library resources, which are well equipped with modern tools & technology.  

Latest modes of teaching like smart classes and e-boards are used in each class room to make the learning process interesting and to visualize concepts.  Through the web, the teacher, learners and parents can communicate online any time.

We at INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA , adopt and implement all the guidelines introduced by CBSE at the Senior level.  We also provide extra help to the children to make them familiar with all these changes by providing them practice study material.

Project work, group discussions and a variety of activities relevant to Science and other subjects are planned to provide social understanding, spirit of enquiry and scientific approach. Children also enjoy executing ideas in a group.  Ample opportunities are provided for self expression in the form of music, dance and fine arts.

At INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA  we provide various sports activities like skating. Table Tennis, Cricket etc.  It helps the child grow stronger and healthier both mentally & physically. It also assists in building team spirit, self-confidence, cooperation, communication skills & sportsman spirit.


Personality Development

Personality Development classes are conducted for children of classes III to IX. These classes are aimed at grooming young girls and boys for manners and etiquettes, with a stress on value-based development of their personality. The curriculum designed for these classes takes into account two major aspects, which are, inculcating right values and the conventional rules of social behavior i.e. manners and etiquettes. The areas of development are as follows:

You and Your Home | You and Your Society | You and Your Country

The methodology consists of interactive sessions in a specially equipped laboratory for the purpose. Children are introduced to a variety of social and familiar situations and motivated to react. They are then guided towards the right directions and conclusions.Growing girls and boys are thus expected to develop the right kind of finesse, confidence, and humility to become complete and good human beings.

Bus Facilities

The School provides the children with an excellent  Bus facilities from every corner of manasa Tahshil  At the moment, the school runs two separate routes for junior and senior students

ICA Medical Facility

airy, well ventilated, well kept room with beds and basic medical facilities define the health care centre of INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA  The informative charts and poster on the walls describing the importance of healthy body welcome the little patients. A full time qualified nurse and a pediatrician are present to help the students in pain and distress during the school time. The clinic can handle situations by providing immediate relief in the form of first-aid. Apart from this it also conducts regular medical check up of the students and maintains health cards