

Infrastructural facilities play a vital role for the quality of Primary education system. The Block radiates energy which sends a positive stimuli, young Dipsites have an Eco-friendly, well ventilated , well lit class rooms. The class rooms possess a smart board, which helps the student to learn in fun filled manner. The sessions are planned in an ineractive manner which provides ample opportunity to the beginners  to develop confidence and express their views. We follow Mother-Teacher concept in class I


The activities at this level helps the student to shed their inhibition and face challenges.Activities are held intra-section to enable maximum students get chance to come out of their comfort zone. We have individual activities like poetry recitation, drawing , story telling, fancy dress etc and group activities like quiz, skit where they learn to work and play as a team.

In addition to these, our shining stars are not behind their seniors to show-case their talent on field in various games like skating, athletics, basket ball, swimming, foot ball. These games help in building stamina and resilience.


To develop the psychomotor, social skills, here students of INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA are exposed to Montessori labs. We have Music, Art and Dance rooms which help the students to identify their hidden talents


The Primary block reverbrates with the energy of each Dipsite. The class rooms are well ventillated and naturally lit. The design of class rooms reflects positive energy. The curriculam is planned in a manner which gives equal emphasis to academics and co-curricular activities. Each class room is completely equipped with audio-visual aid and is supported by interactive smart board which makes teaching learning interesting and widens the spectrum. From class III, each subject is handled by subject experts who gives a clear insight into the subjects, which is helped by hand on practicals for in depth knowledge of the basic concepts of science and math in well equipped science and math labs. To develop impeccable language, students visit language labs for English, French and Sanskrit.

INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA believes technology is the back bone of development. From primary level students are given exposure to various computer applications. A separate Computer lab for the primary classes designed as per their requirement.

Co-curricular activities are given utmost importance in the overall development of Despites. These activities help to develop the students cultural aptitude and physical strength and stamina. M.A.D. (Music Art Dance) department lets each child express his/her ability uninhibited. healthy mind rests in a healthy body. To vent energy and to develop self discipline sports are the best elixir. The sports complex offers – cricket, foot ball, basket ball, lawn tennis, table tennis, skating, badminton and swimming. For grooming the personality of each student.

Personality Development lab provides ample opportunity.

The students are grouped under four houses which gives each of them an opportunity to enhance their skills. The competitions conducted are inter house which helps in striking a close relation with House tutors and House wardens. The Inter house competitions shape Despites and in turn they become industrious and skilled.


Students experience pleasure while studying in classrooms which are constructed according to Vastu Principles.  The wide expanse of blue sky and the refreshing green environs, visible from each class room, re-energise students.  The spacious, well-ventilated class rooms, spread across two building clusters, house the students of the middle section. A well designed, age appropriate, balanced curriculum, a variety of sports and Inter House competitions provide ample opportunities for the holistic development of students. Well equipped, spacious laboratories for sciences, Maths and Computers provide avenues for performing experiments and hands-on activities.  Keeping in mind the special needs of the young adolescents, a Personality Development Lab and a full time Counselor and Doctor are available on campus.

Music, Art and Dance add a new dimension to the youngster’s personality.  Classical musical and dance, percussion and string instruments, drawing and painting provide opportunities of developing creativity and expressing individuality.

Technology aided learning, through smart boards, provided in each classroom to reinforce and clarify abstract concepts.

Well qualified, trained caring teachers provide invaluable Should be support and understanding to the young adolescents


The students of classes IX – XII blossom into well-groomed, smart, responsible teenagers. With their focus firmly fixed on achieving and turning dreams into reality, students, are provided guidance, care and motivations by their capable and experienced teachers, to further propel them onto their chosen paths. Students are empowered to appear for the CBSE Board Exam, as well as face the challenges of competitive exams. Be it academics or co-curricular achievements, opportunities for honing talent and excelling are provided to assist the maturing students to shape her destiny.

A well-equipped Library, Digital equipped smart classrooms, laboratories for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Maths and Computer Science – complete the learning experience. Career counseling assists students in crystalling their career options. A variety of sports – Football, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, , Table Tennis, Skating,conduced by specialised coaches are provided for a holistic development of the young student


The above saying of Swami Vivekanand became the aim of Shri Somvati Devi. To educate the underprivileged. This dream came true in the form ofShree Krishn gopal education society on 2001. Today the candle of INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA

Rules for Admission

The families below the poverty line are eligible to seek admission for a single child. Girl child is given the preference. Admission starts from class NURSERY Medium; Affiliation INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA is affiliated to CBSE NEW DELHI, INDIA. Affiliation no.1030495 The medium is English.

Uniform and Stationery

Students of INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA receive uniform, which includes, shoes, socks, bag, dress, sweater, belt and tie after every two years. Free transport is available for the students. Stationery items like books, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners , refills etc. are given to the students according to requirement From the market.

Creative Activities

A variety of activities and competitions are conducted to provide awareness for the students talent to shine forth. National days and special assemblies are also conducted.

Exam and Parent-Teacher meetings

Subject Monthly -Tests of 20 marks are scheduled on every month. In all, six cycles of weekly tests are held during each session. Two terminals and an annual examination are scheduled in one academic session. Term-wise, each paper carries 50 marks. OPEN HOUSE is arranged after every three months. Parents get free transport to attend the Open House. They attend it with enthusiasm. Various activities other than academics are held in the school to groom the students. They are Fancy dress, English and Hindi recitation, Essay writing(Hindi and English), Solo dance, Group dance, Group songs etc


At INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA , young Despites are nurtured under the tender care of mother teacher till Grade 2. This concept helps in:-

i.) Understanding the child and developing an emotional bond between the learner and teacher.

ii.) Helps in better insight to various developmental stages of the child, especially cognitive and emotional.

iii.) Both the learner and teacher spend more time with each other and the teacher personally knows the areas of concern.

iv.) Academically it gives time for the child to remain abreast with his peers.

v.) It gives a sense of satisfaction to the teacher, at the end of the session, on accomplishing the set targets as per the potential of the child and helping in the positive growth graph of each student.


Pre-Nursery education has been designed and conceived by our highly experienced Montessori trained Teachers. The child learns to discover, explore and experiment in a stimulating and conducive environment.

Nursery and Prep

Our focus at the Pre-Primary level is to make the transition between the secure home environment and formal schooling, interesting and as smooth as possible for the child. Emphasis is on nurturing the child’s imagination, creativity and providing him opportunities to express himself freely. We lay stress upon developing basic language skills with the help of phonetics and conversation. A sound knowledge of phonetics helps the child to build spellings independently. It is a method of creating an environment which fosters the fulfillment of their highest potential.EPL (Exercise of Practical Learning) prepares the children to face the challenges of everyday life and helps in building concentration. Various celebrations in the school and round-the- year activities allow self-expression, experimentation and questioning; thereby developing a scientific temper. There is a perfect balance of active and quiet activities, structured, besides the free-play activities.

Classes I TO II

If I cannot learn the way you teach me, Can you not teach me the way I can learn. A child’s mind is like wet clay and needs to be handled with care. Keeping this in mind, we at INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA provide an encouraging and loving  atmosphere, fused with a lot of fun, so that students shed their inhibitions and learn with a free mind. The methodology that we use to teach the students of classes 1 and 2 is ACTIVITY BASED, which involves a lot of co-curricular activities which assist the children in comprehending and retaining the concept in a better way. The curriculum planned focuses more on depth and is progressive and flexible in its approach and is adjusted according to the learner & need. Assessment at this level is not formal. The children are given activity based assignments to check the retention of the concepts taught. At this level we emphasise more on experiential learning. Our aim is to prepare the children to read, write and do mathematics. We also promote self control and inner discipline in children through appropriate interaction.

Grades III TO V

The child, already familiar with the basic skills in English Language, is now initiated into formal instructions through interactive techniques. The emphasis is on usage and application. In Science the focus is on developing scientific aptitude and making him aware of his/her surroundings. In Mathematics, problem-solving techniques are taught using application based methods. The co- curricular activities allow them not only to gain confidence but also help them realize their potential in various fields. The important aim at this level is the learning of basics and forming a sound foundation which will enable the child to study more complex topics and problems at the succeeding levels. The instruction/curricula is planned as per the CCE guidelines of CBSE.


INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA is known for its well designed system that fosters both academic and personal growth of its DIPSITEs, so that they can analyze and evaluate their experience, learn to doubt, to question, to investigate and to think independently. Our middle school curriculum provides and promotes a learning environment based upon developmental readiness, needs and interests. Middle school is the stage of transition for the students from an activity based learning environment in the primary section, to the stage where teaching methodology is completely focussed on the pursuit of knowledge and development of understanding and skills necessary to interpret experience.

  1. Co-operative Learning:

It develops intellectual autonomy in young adolescents to interact in heterogonous groups to support the learning of self and others in the same group.

  1. Student centered learning:

It facilitates students engagement during class by designing hands on activities that help students construct their own meaning of the new concept taught in class. Here students socially interact with their teachers and peers through discussions.

  1. Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation to meet five basic needs – survival, belonging, power, freedom and fun for the young adolescents.
  2. Student-led parent teacher conference:

Students take ownership of their learning and they are able to reflect on what they have learned, accomplished or have yet to accomplish. Self regulation is inculcated in their personalities.

  1. Teacher student relationships:

A strong, healthy and understanding relationship is developed between a teacher and a student to positively motivate students.

  1. Visuals and Labs:

Use of visuals such as Smart boards in the class rooms, well structured activities and research based programmes help in developing concepts and applications in various subjects, including  English, Hindi, Mathematics, Science, Soc. Science, Sanskrit and Computer.

  1. Other strategies:

Case studies reflecting real life experiences as a part of Personality Development projects, field trips, parents as guest speakers, peer tutoring, Role play or skits are some of other effective teaching methodologies used in our school. Games and hobbies are also given emphasis to encourage exploration of values, foster imagination and develop physical and athletic skills.

We follow the CBSE (CCE) pattern at middle school level to meet learning objectives, such as :-

  1. to develop cognitive, psychomotor and effective skills
  2. to emphasize thought process and reduce emphasis on memorization.
  3. to make evaluation an integral part of the teaching learning process.
  4. to use evaluation for improving student’s achievements and teaching-learning strategies on the basis of regular diagnosis followed by remedial instruction. We ensure such Formative Assessment tasks are given which involve collaboration, discussion

and reflection. Speaking and learning skills, presentation skills and practical skills and all the co-scholastic areas are assessed formatively.

Grades IX And X

All the teachers at INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA , aim primarily to help the learner with systematic learning and development. Technology plays an important role in enhancing the learning system. The crucial factor in the teaching process is the quality of the lesson given by the teacher. Teachers use various types of modern teaching aids to connect with students, along with interactive and creative class room teaching. Our classes are equipped with modern teaching aids such as Interactive White boards, Visualisers, response system, projectors and educational software.

Academics: Our learning methodology extends beyond prescribed text books where students are encouraged to study complex topics based on experiential learning. The school follows modular scheduling to educate the pupils. The school works for five days a week. The major emphasis of CCE at the class IX, X level is on continuous growth of students, ensuring their intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social development.

The CCE pattern has been ingrained effectively with justified and equal importance being given to scholastic and non-scholastic areas in academics. Formative Assessments carry 40% weightage, while Summative Assessments are graded for 60% in the entire academic year. The students are exposed to various interesting Formative Assessments like Role Plays, Brochure making, Magazine designing, Powerpoint presentation, Surveys, Model making, Quiz etc.

The Summative Assessments comprise of pen and paper tests where practical and application based tests are designed.

School Activities:

Sports: Sports are compulsorry at the school. A lush green cricket field, tennis court, basket ball  ground, swimming pool, horse riding field, volley ball court, table tennis rooms, taekwondo, badminton court are available for grooming the future players of the country. Clubs: Extracurricular activities are an essential element of school life. Magazines are published in English. School pupils compile and integrate matter and are given the opportunity to enhance their creativity. Activity clubs, wherein children participate eagerly and perform social and public awareness programmes.

Music, Art and Dance (M.A.D.) provide avenues for the blooming of artistic talent. Every child who has the interest and urge to excel is given ample opportunity and chance to explore and enhance his/her potential.

Competitions: are designed to fulfill the unique ability found in every child. We have not only sports activities for all age groups but also a variety of commpetitions like Role plays, Extempore, What’s the Good word, Fun with Science, Dance, Music (Vocal), Maths quiz, English skit, Hindi Speech, English Debate, G K Quiz, School magazine cover designing, Code Warriors (Information Technology), to name a few.

Grades XI and XII

Education imparted at INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA integrates information teaching and nurturing creative and independent thinking.  The teaching methodology is learner centred, nurturing academic excellence and Multi – Intelligence. Teaching method includes explaining, demonstrating, collaborating which establish a personal connection between the student and the topic of study, through group projects and discussions. This inculcates and enhances team work, leadership skills and presentation abilities. Inquiry based learning which develops expirimental and analytical skills in a group situation. wherein students brainstorm topics and learn in groups.

Besides developing all the four skills – listening, speaking. reading and writing, methodologies are used to train children to be able to analysis, interpret and imbibe life skill.Great emphasis is laid on the development of communication skills and overall development of a child’s


The course of studies are based on CBSE guidelines, At the +2 level, students have the option of three streams viz. Science (both PCM and PCB), Commerce and Humanities. Various combination of subjects are offered so that students can pursue their desired course of study Equal importance and assistance is given to prepare students for the prescribed CBSE syllabus as well as preparing students for various competitive exams.

Facilities: Helpline classes and mentor’s guidance are provided to assist students in every possible manner.Students have access to the various laboratories and library resources, which are well equipped with modern tools and technology. Latest modes of teaching like smart classes and e-boards are used in each class room to make the learning process interesting and to visualize concepts.  Through the web, the teacher, learners and parents can communicate online any time.

We at INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA , adopt and implement all the guidelines introduced by CBSE at the Senior level.  We also provide extra help to the children to make them familiar with all these changes by providing them practice study material. Project work, group discussions and a variety of activities relevant to Science and other subjects are planned to provide social understanding, spirit of enquiry and scientific approach. Children also enjoy executing ideas in a group.  Ample opportunities are provided for self expression in the form of music, dance and fine arts. At INNOCENT CHILDREN ACADEMY SCHOOL MANASA we provide various sports activities like skating. Table Tennis, Cricket etc.  It helps the child grow stronger and healthier both mentally and physically. It also assists in building team spirit, self-confidence, cooperation, communication skills and sportsman spirit


Invece di preoccuparti a causa della mancanza di opportunità, guarda la situazione con l’umorismo. Anche se dormi su un divano da cucina a lunga durata da parenti lontani, e in ogni camera ci sono e possibile l uguaglianza nella vita intima dieci persone, puoi scegliere un paio di minuti quando nessuno ti distorce. Immagina che questo sia un gioco del genere!